Home » Lebanon Faces Challenges as Syrian Potatoes Enter Illegally, Hurting Local Farmers and Economy
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Lebanon Faces Challenges as Syrian Potatoes Enter Illegally, Hurting Local Farmers and Economy

As the Akkar potato season ended at the beginning of June, the Bekaa potato season began in the middle of the month. However, between the two seasons, the price of potatoes in Lebanon reached 35,000 Lebanese lira per kilogram as Syrian potatoes infiltrated the market through smuggling due to its lower production and marketing costs.

Wholesale shops receive Syrian potatoes at the cost of 20,000 Lebanese lira per kilogram, forcing Lebanese farmers to lower the prices of their potatoes to compete. 

According to farmers, the cost of one ton of Lebanese potatoes is around 250 US dollars. 

Consequently, Lebanese farmers are selling their potatoes for approximately 23,500 Lebanese lira per kilogram directly to wholesalers to compete with the smuggled potatoes. 

This means that the ton is being sold for 253 US dollars, meaning a profit of only 3 US dollars per ton. 

The impact of the smuggling market is not limited to farmers alone, as even consumers struggle to differentiate between the smuggled and local produce in the market. 

The Ministry of Agriculture, which has entrusted the entire matter to the security agencies for border control, warns of the continued risks associated with smuggling in terms of the national economy and food security.  

The fact is that the goods that enter illegally are not subject to the checks that are launched from the quarantine centers located in all border ports.

The repercussions of smuggling affect citizens, farmers, and the state. To address this issue, it is crucial to end illegal border crossings and develop a comprehensive plan to monitor the production process from cultivation to the consumers’ tables.

Source : IBCGroup
