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Iran, Saudi Arabia Reaffirm Commitment to Beijing Agreement

On Friday, Iran and Saudi Arabia reiterated their commitment to implementing the Chinese-brokered normalisation deal, the Beijing Agreement, which saw the two countries re-establish diplomatic relations after cutting formal ties in 2016.

The first meeting of the Saudi-Chinese-Iranian Tripartite Committee wrapped up in the Chinese capital eight months after the initial agreement was signed back in March.

The follow-up meeting was chaired by the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Deng Li. The Saudi delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Khereiji, and the Iranian delegation by his counterpart Dr. Ali Bagheri Kani.

In accordance with the Beijing Agreement, Riyadh and Tehran vowed to activate a security cooperation agreement signed in 2001 and the trade, economy and investment agreement signed in 1998. According to the statement, China’s President Xi Jinping had made an initiative to host and sponsor talks between delegates from Iran and Saudi Arabia to resolve disputes via dialogue and diplomacy.

According to Arab News, the latest talks revolved around the improved relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, including the reopening of the embassies of both countries in Riyadh and Tehran, and the meetings and mutual visits of both nations’ foreign ministers.

The three countries also used the opportunity to renew calls the “immediate cessation of military operations in Gaza” and the flow of “sustainable relief” to Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

The officials from the three countries also “expressed concern about the ongoing situation in the Gaza Strip as a threat to regional and international peace and security,” emphasising “that any arrangement regarding the future of Palestine must reflect the will of the Palestinian people, supporting their right to establish their own State and determine their destiny.”

Source : MEMO
