Home » Initial death toll | Two Iranian-backed militiamen killed in Israeli airstrikes in southern Damascus
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Initial death toll | Two Iranian-backed militiamen killed in Israeli airstrikes in southern Damascus

Damascus province: SOHR initial reports have confirmed that two Iranian-backed militiamen, whose identities remain unknown, were killed in today’s airstrikes by Israeli fighter jets, which targeted a farm near the vocational school and the regime headquarters of the management of electronic warfare in southern Damascus. The Israeli airstrikes also targeted a position, that had been evacuated earlier, nearby Al-Ghezlaniyah town on the road to Damascus international airport, amid unconfirmed reports on more casualties.

Earlier today, SOHR activists reported hearing loud explosions this dawn, which were caused by several airstrikes carried out by Israeli fighter jets, targeting a farm belonging to the Lebanese Hezbollah near the vocational school on the road between Aqraba and Sayeda Zeinab in southern Damascus, as well as positions in Al-Ghezlaniyah area on the road to Damascus international airport. Meanwhile, regime air-defences attempted to intercept the Israeli missiles, but some missiles managed to reach their targets.

Source: SOHR
