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Lebanese delegation in Washington: Addressing financial stability and political crisis

A delegation of parliamentarians, including Deputy Speaker of Parliament Elias Bou Saab and MPs Alain Aoun, Neemat Frem, Yassin Yassin, and Assaad Dargham, continued their visit to Washington.

They met with Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Barbara Leaf during their visit. 

The emphasis was placed on the necessity for the Lebanese people to work towards electing a president, completing state-building, and working to neutralize the specter of comprehensive war in Lebanon.

Leaf affirmed that the Quintet Committee seeks to assist Lebanon in finding a solution to its political crisis, but it cannot replace the Lebanese in reaching an internal solution and understanding among themselves.

She emphasized that, ultimately, the solution is the Lebanese’s responsibility.

The parliamentary delegation had a series of meetings with officials at the US Treasury, and discussions focused on the imperative of working to establish banking stability, adhering to international standards, combating money laundering, and fighting illicit financial activities.

The delegation presented ideas that could contribute to the government’s anticipated plan to return depositors’ funds rather than considering writing them off. 

The delegation also heard positive remarks about the interim role of Lebanon’s central bank governor, Wassim Mansouri.

The parliamentary delegation also met with members of the US Congress, and the discussions centered on the presidential election, state-building, dispelling the specter of war, and restoring confidence in the Lebanese economy.

Additionally, there was a focus on the necessity of continuing support for the Lebanese Army as a unified institution to protect Lebanon and maintain its stability.

The delegation’s visit to Washington included a dinner hosted by the Lebanese Embassy in honor of Deputy Speaker of Parliament Elias Bou Saab and the participating MPs.

Source: LBC
